Trail runs approximately 25 miles between Marne and Muskegon.
- Trail runs through Ottawa and Muskegon counties.
- Trail’s east end is located just west of Grand Rapids.
- Trail passes through Conklin and Ravenna.
- Trail’s west end is located on the east side of Muskegon.
- Activities include:
- Walking
- Horseback Riding
- Biking
- Cross Country Skiing
- In-Line Skating
- Wheelchair Access
- Bird Watching
- Snowmobiling (when authorized by the Trail Manager)
- Relaxing and Enjoying Nature
- Trail has a 12 ft. wide paved surface.
- Trail has a 4 to 8 ft. wide gravel shoulder.
- Trail runs through:
- Woodland
- Farmland
- Wetland
- Small towns